
Sweets and Bakeries items Manufacturers and sellers are bound to mention calories in their food items.

Quoted: Agha Fakhar Hussain

The Director General of the Sindh Food Authority, Agha Fakhur Hussain, has said that in the first phase, SFA started working with five-star Hotels, small Hotels and Restaurants, to mention Calories of food items in the menu, and in the second phase, We work with Sweets and Bakeries items Manufacturers and Sellers to do the same thing.This Agha Fakhur Hussain stated while addressing as a Chief Guest at a  seminar held at the Department of Food Sciences and Technology, at the University of Karachi. The seminar was organized by the Sindh Food Authority and KASAN, focusing on Menu Labeling and Nutrition facts, specifically for Sweets and Baked goods.

Sheikh Muhammad Tehseen, President of KASAN, welcomed the participants and provided insights into KASAN's history and its efforts in support of Bakers. Dr. S. M. Ghufran Saeed explained the methodology behind Menu Labeling and Calculating Nutrition facts.

Addressing the seminar, D.G. SFA Agha Fakhar Hussain talked about underscoring the significance and practical implementation of Menu Labeling. He said that the people had the right to know about the Quality of the Food items being served to them.

Saqib Ahmed, Vice President of KASAN, concluded the session.